Thursday, January 5, 2023

5 Jan 2023 - The Planning Continues!

 5 Jan 2023

Greetings from Iowa and Happy New Year!  Christmas has come and gone and the planning for our 2023 RV adventures is well under way.  It seemed like a good time to build the 2023 Blog framework which includes the first post.  This will allow you to bookmark the URL for future reference, which is:  Notice the name is the same as in year's past except for the year.

We had an outstanding 2022 camping season which started 29 April with a journey from Iowa east to Indiana for the Alliance national rally, then south and a loop through Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and back home for a week around the 4th of July.  Then we headed up to Wisconsin, Minnesota and & west all the way out to Glacier National Park. From there we headed south through Yellowstone National Park and down to the Grand Tetons, then back east and home on 29 Sep 2022.  All in all we logged about 6500 trailer miles and about 10,500 truck miles.

2023 Phase I:  This year (see map above) is broken up into Phase I and Phase II with a stop at home again midway over the 4th of July.  So Phase I will start 1 Apr 2023 and take us south all the way to southern Texas to see my sister Karen, then up the coast to Galveston and the Texas Alliance Rally.  From there we continue east through Louisiana and Mississippi with a stop to see Charlie and Elaine Philbrook.  Charlie was my first Air Force supervisor up in Limestone Maine back in the early 70's!  When we leave Biloxi MS we travel up to Montgomery AL and then Chattanooga TN where we will hopefully camp with another Air Force buddy Brad Herren and his wife Beth.  

Then on up to bourbon country where we will meet up with many of our Alliance friends then to the Alliance National Rally at the end of May again in Goshen IN.  Besides the rally we will see our daughter Jennifer, that is Chief Master Sergeant Jennifer :-) and her family.  We attended Jen's promotion the first week in December!  Leaving Indiana we will loop up through Michigan to the Upper Peninsula and then down through Wisconsin, Door County and hopefully camp with our daughter Michelle and her family.  Once we leave Wisconsin we will camp near Cedar Falls Iowa and attend our 50th high school class reunion before heading home for a week.

2023 Phase II:  Following the 4th of July we will start Phase II and camp in Sioux City Iowa then head southwest with a loop that will take us through Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, back to Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and home on 16 Sep 2023.  This Phase will be full of national parks and other sites to include Arches, Canyonland, Mesa Verde, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Salt Lake area, etc. We have contacted friends and military comrades along the way so it should be a great trip!

We will post again before we depart on 1 Apr. but for now we hope everyone has a safe winter.  Spring will be here before we know it!

Take care,

Ed and Doreen