Thursday, September 14, 2023

14 Sep 2023 - Really NSTR !! Inventory Work


Really nothing significant to report today.  We stayed put and worked on the inventory which also serves as our unload list.  Doreen gets frustrated with me and my spreadsheets but this one has proven itself.  It's a painful process.  Was chilly last night but gorgeous day here today.  The windows remained open all day and all three air conditioners remained off.  And Liberty is in heaven with no sand burs and lush green grass!  

We are starting to populate our calendar with grandkids sports events.  The Ankeny grandsons, Daniel and Calvin,  are both playing fall baseball and Daniel is also playing football.   1 Oct we turn our gym membership back on and then daily visits to the gym, no excuses. 

We have doctor and dental appointments already scheduled.  Veterinary, dermatology, optometry appointments likely are too - I need to verify.  Truck appointment for hail damage repair from our wonderful stay at North Platte NE earlier this summer will happen soon.  Also, truck needs an oil change, but no appointment necessary there.  

I pressed the go button on my pending Amazon order so as to time the arrival with our arrival home.  Some things I need for the RV will show up shortly after we get home.  I contacted State Farm and they will turn back on the full coverage on our car effective Saturday.  Normally I would also turn on Sirius XM but they ticked me off so I told them to cancel.  So many moving parts to this.  

Tomorrow no big plans until later when we will have dinner with Rusty and Lynn, then fuel the truck and prepare to bug out Saturday morning towards Ankeny.  

That's it for tonight.

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