Friday, September 15, 2023

15 Sep 2023 - Dinner with Rusty and Lynn Rosenbaum


Lynn, Rusty Rosenbaum, Doreen and I

Today we further worked on the inventory and take home list.  Doreen and I both made quite a few phone calls.  I called the City of Ankeny and turned on our solid waste pickup.  Ankeny Sanitation will resume our recycle pickup.  State Farm will turn on our car insurance starting tomorrow.  I made initial contact with our auto body shop.  They contract out the paintless dent repair for the hail damage so I need to further coordinate on that when the truck is free in October.  Doreen got ahold of our dermatologist,  optometrist, dentist office, and some non-recurring prescription refills.  I contacted Griff's RV Park and got our site assignment 

Our son made his weekly visit to our house today, and before he left he turned on our water heater so Doreen can get on the laundry tomorrow when we get home and we can shower.  

This afternoon I dumped tanks and flushed and stowed all the hoses in preparation for our departure in the morning.  We also reviewed the route for tomorrow.  We had kind of a break and so I found the 2006  'Dirty Jobs' episode with Mike Rowe where we worked in the STRATACA salt mine in Hutchinson KS, the same one we toured.  So we streamed that and enjoyed watching it.

This evening on the way to dinner we fueled the big ol' brown truck.  She was thirsty today taking in over 28 gallons of diesel in the 32 gallon tank.  We met Rusty Rosenbaum and his friend Lynn for dinner at a local bar and grill.  As mentioned before, when I was with the Iowa Air National Guard fulltime Rusty was a contracted telephone system maintainer.  He also served in the Air Force as a telephone maintainer in Alaska before settling back in the Omaha area.  We worked very closely for quite a few years and became close friends.  He used to come down to our house in Norwalk when he was over from Omaha working here.  We had a lot of fun!   He attended my military retirement in 2015 and we have stayed in touch all these years.  We were able to get together with Rusty and Lynn last year about this time too.

Tomorrow morning we will pull chocks about 0830 hrs and head home, the very last leg of our 2023 RV adventures.  We will set up the camper at Griff's RV Park near Altoona.  I will make a final post with a final summary of stats, but it may or may not be tomorrow night.  Thanks to everyone who followed along.  I hope you enjoyed this year's trip as mush as we did.  

Next report from HOME!!

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