Wednesday, April 19, 2023

19 Apr 2023 - Shopping on Base and Dinner With Frank Leota and Vanessa


Frank Leota, Vanessa Doreen and I at dinner tonight.

Today we shopped at the Commissary and Class Six on Fort Sam Houston.  The commissary prices were pretty good and the selection was also good.  Produce seemed fresh and overall we were happy with the commissary.  The "Class Six" is the base liquor store.  We did not find any remarkable bourbon, but the prices were good on the other items.  

Other than that we took Liberty on a few walks and relaxed a bit before heading out to meet Frank Leota and his friend Vanessa for dinner at "Supper" restaurant at the Pearl District   Frank and I were both Senior Enlisted Leaders at Forward Operating Base Warrior, Kirkuk Iraq in 2006-2007.  Frank was the Army Command Sergeant Major for the 3rd Brigade 25th Infantry Division out of Schofield Barracks Hawaii.  I was the Group Superintendent for the 506th Air Expeditionary Group.  We worked together on enlisted issues that impacted our Soldiers and Airmen.  During that time in Iraq we suffered a lot of casualties and losses, but we worked through all that together.  It was a tough time and it challenged our leadership, so Frank and I became pretty close there and have stayed in contact ever since.  Brothers for Life!

Chiefs of the 506th Air Expeditionary Group
and Sergeants Major from the 3rd Brigade 25th Infantry Division

CSM Frank Leota and I in Iraq

So, as mentioned before,  tonight we met in the Pearl District for dinner.  This area is located right on the famous San Antonio river walk. 

The "Pearl" district is an area named after the Pearl Brewing Company who's buildings still remain.  Before they brewed Pearl they brewed Jax beer and before that it was Falstaff.  So lots of history here.  They have done a great job of revitalizing the area with shops and restaurants.  
The Emma Hotel is located in one of the brewery buildings

You can still make out the "Pearl" brand

We met tonight at "Supper" which is a nice restaurant there and enjoyed a bottle of wine and a great meal.  This is the first time we have met Frank's friend Vanessa, such a wonderful person!  They do a lot of traveling together including back to Frank's home state of  Hawaii.  In a week or so they will head off to a Caribbean getaway.  Living the dream!  Frank's home is in the hill country north of San Antonio and he invited us down to visit there!  We can't wait!   

We are so fortunate to be able to travel around and visit our military brothers and sisters, our friends and our relatives, and to see this great Nation that Frank and I both served for so many years.

Tomorrow we will make preparations to depart here and travel south to my sister Karen's in Mercedes TX.  We will also be meeting Alliance friends Norma and Randy Myers, and Rob and Yvonne Boyer for a late lunch/early dinner.  

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