Wednesday, September 6, 2023

6 Sep 2023 - Arrived at High Plains Campground in Oakley KS (Central Time Zone Again!!) + Stats


Wow!  This trip is rapidly coming to a close.  Not much left to color in on the map above.  We left the Air Force Academy FamCamp this morning just before 0900 hrs and headed east on Hwy 24 then I-70 into Kansas.  

Lots of flatland along the way.

We transitioned from Colorado into Kansas, and then we transitioned from Mountain time back into Central time!  The GPS and the cell phones switched automagically.  Now lets hope our bodies transition like that too.  The trip today was fairly uneventful.  We had our share of rough I-70 in sections, but overall it was not bad.  We stopped a couple times along the way and rolled into High Plains Campground in Oakley KS at 1430 hrs after driving 236 miles.  The whole point of this two night stop is just an interim stop between Colorado Springs and Hutchinson KS which would have been about 440 miles. 

Yep, your eyes don't deceive you!  That is another Alliance Paradigm two sites over!  

Pretty maids all in a row!!

After setting up we introduced ourselves to the FamAlly neighbors who originally were from Plymouth Minnesota.  A bit later Dave and Steph Hughes stopped over and we shared a cold one and talked for a while.  They are on their way west and we are headed east, also here for two nights.

As explained before, we had no big plans for this interim stop, but a classmate of Doreen's, Sandy (Stock) Mulligan lives about 40 miles north of here but will be down here tomorrow attending a grand daughter volleyball game, so we planned to meet them for lunch.  There is also a rock formation called Monument Rocks about 30 miles south of here, time permitting.  


This is campground #39 of 42 
# States Traveled Through So Far This Trip, in order: 28 (IA, MO, KS, OK, TX, LA, MS, AL,GA, TN, KY, OH, IN, MI, WI, IA, NE, CO, UT, UT,  CO, AZ, NM (4 corners!),  AZ, NV, UT, WY, CO, KS)  
# States left to visit on this trip: 2 (NE, IA)
Baseball Parks Visited So Far This Trip:  1 (Globe Life Field - Texas Rangers)
Lighthouses visited:  1 (Biloxi Lighthouse)
Lighthouses climbed:  0
Point to point travel miles:  8015 miles 
  - Avg point to point travel miles between campgrounds:  200 miles
Vicinity miles:  4684 miles 
  - Avg vicinity miles:  120 miles
Total miles driven:  12699 miles 
Total point to point driving time:  165 hrs 05 minutes
Total diesel fuel purchased: 1151.655 gals 
Total diesel fuel cost:  $4452.58 
Average diesel fuel cost/gal:  $3.888
Max diesel fuel cost:  $4.899 (Tusayan AZ - Grand Canyon) 
Min diesel fuel cost:  $3.139 (San Antonio TX) 
Avg MPG:  11.53 miles/gal
Cost/mi of operation:  $0.35
# Nights at end of this stay:  177 (Includes Griff's start)
Total lodging cost:  $7406.15  (includes Griff's start)
Average cost/night:  $41.84

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