Thursday, September 7, 2023

7 Sep 2023 - Lunch with Sandy (Stock) and Mike Mulligan and Last Day at Oakley KS


Doreen and Sandy (Stock) Mulligan

This morning we drove a few miles back up I-70 to Colby KS to have lunch with a high school friend Sandy (Stock) Mulligan and her husband Mike.  Sandy was one year behind us in high school in Cedar Falls Iowa, but she was involved in many of the same activities with Doreen.  She was also involved with our wedding.  

Sandy's husband Mike was from Cedar Falls and was full time with the Iowa Army National Guard.  He retired from the Guard in 2000.  After the fact we discovered that Sandy and Mike attended several of the same Army-Air National Guard banquets and functions that we did, but neither knew the other was there.  

L-R Doreen, Ed, Sandy, Mike

Today we met at the El Dos De Oros Mexican restaurant in Colby KS where we enjoyed lunch and catching up with each other's activities, grandkids, etc.  Sandy and Mike live in Atwood KS which is about 40 miles north of Colby, but drove down today to have lunch with us and attend a grand daughter volleyball game .  

As mentioned many times before, meeting up with friends, family and military comrades is what makes our travels so special.  I had not seen Sandy probably since our wedding in 1974!!  Yep, so do that math and that means we have a special milestone next year on 30 Mar!!

After lunch we said our goodbyes to Sandy and Mike, and then headed to Walmart to restock provisions a bit and then back towards the campground.  We diverted into Oakley KS to refuel at the Casey's gas station - YES we are back in Casey's territory!  That means some of the best taco pizza you have ever had!  We just fueled, though and then back to the campground to make preparations to depart in the morning.  We said goodbye to our Alliance friends we met here, Dave and Steph Hughes.  We will undoubtedly see them at a future Alliance Rally, either the national rally or one of the many regional Alliance  rallies.  

Tomorrow we will roll out of here and head east on I-70 then south and into Hutchinson KS for five nights.  We have already purchased tickets for the STRATACA Salt Mine underground tour and the Cosmosphere which is a space museum and STEM education center in Hutchinson, Kansas.  We will be camping at the Sand Hills State Park campground.

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