Thursday, July 13, 2023

13 Jul 2023 - Last Day at North Platte

Tonight's storm

 Our last day/night at North Platte NE and it has been an interesting stay.  We've had storms virtually every day we have been here, today included.  I posted a couple days ago about the hail damage to the truck.  It is amazing how these fronts pop up and then move across the state like they do.  We have a couple good weather apps as recommended by our up-and-coming grandson weatherman Calvin, a battery handheld powered weather radio, a "bug-out bag" with essentials in case we need to take shelter (which is close by) and insurance on the coach and truck. 

So as I write this, the satellite dish is stowed as we had gusts to 30 mph.   Stuff is picked up in case we need to pull in the slides quickly.  There are differing opinions as to if the slides should be retracted or not.  Some campers will their tanks if severe weather/wind is forecast, for additional ballast.  We have three 52 gallon sewer tanks X 8.35 lbs/gallon plus a 100 gallons or so fresh water.   If the winds are predicted that severe we will be in a shelter and call State Farm when it is all over!

I was up last night very late trying to get our Internet functional.  I have a WiFi Ranger system in the coach that is fed with an AT&T Home Phone and Internet "hotspot".  The AT&T box did not want to play ball last night but I finally got it working and finished my computer work and finally hit the hay about 0100 hrs.  So far today it has been stable (knock on wood), but on general principles I ordered a new one today from eBay and it will be delivered to our campground in Moab in a week.  So we are dragging a bit today.  We shopped to replenish the pantry and then filled the truck with diesel.  Back here I dumped and flushed the tanks, stowed the hoses and put outside stuff away in preparation for our departure in the morning.

Our next stop is Buckley Space Force Base in Aurora CO, on the outskirts of Denver.  We have stayed there before back in 2017 when it was still an Air Force Base.  We have about 281 miles of driving tomorrow which is more than we would prefer, but did not justify the additional expense of a stop mid-way.   

I received work from my DeWitt friend and neighbor that we saw last week, Kent Behr, that another neighbor of ours, Bill Weber, passed away today of cancer.  R.I.P. Bill.  You are in a better place now.  Until we meet again, my friend.

We are going to call it good for tonight.  Next report, Buckley FamCamp!

At the end of the storm tonight!

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