Sunday, July 23, 2023

23 Jul 2023 - Failed Attempt at Delicate Arch; Evening Hikes at Arches + Many Pictures


This morning we used one of our two 'timed entry' passes into Arches National Park.  The National Park Service started a 'timed entry' system in 2020 to help control vehicle traffic and overcrowding in some of the most popular parks. The timed entry system was deemed the best way to help control some of the most overcrowded areas.  As soon as reservations opened for the time period we were going to be here, I got online and secured two time periods, 0800-0900 hrs today and 0800-0900 hrs tomorrow.  I figured that would give us ample time to see the sites within the park that we wanted to.  Time entry is only required between 0700-1600 hrs daily.  After that you can enter the park as you see fit.  The parks are open 24 hours per day.  So like we did last evening, we entered late and viewed the sunset.  We did that again tonight.  More about that later.

At 0805 hrs this morning we entered the park, and there was no line at all, so the system must be working.  Maybe it gets more congested later in the morning, but I am very please with my 0800-0900 hrs timed entry picks!


We decided to make our way to the primo spot which is Delicate Arch.  This is the iconic arch that is featured on advertisements for Utah.  Note:  This is not my photo.  I will explain.

We parked at the trailhead after waiting for a parking spot to open.  Again, this is the 'big daddy' arch that everyone wants to see, so parking was non-existent.  Eventually we parked and headed for the trailhead with our hats, good shoes, trekking poles, water, etc 

The hike started out pretty flat, but soon the elevation gain started.  I was busy working on the blog last night and did not get involved with the planning process for today.  I failed to review the information about the hike before we started on it. I did not realize it was a 3.2 mile round trip hike with a 550 ft elevation gain, and it is also likely the most difficult to get to of all of the arches.   The estimated time for the hike was 2-3 hours. Yikes!  We took water with us but not nearly enough.  The climb continued to get more difficult over rough rocks and it was a tough go. 

The starting path was nice and smooth

And the climb continued

This sort of shows the elevation gain.

Our dog clock was ticking and after over an hour we both decided we should turn back and not finish the hike.  So we did an about face and headed back down the trail.  We arrived back at the parking lot in one piece, two hours after starting, but with lessons learned:  Thoroughly review the route in advance including the distance, the climb or fall, etc and then decide whether it is smart to do it.  

The heat today was another factor. We hydrated, then packed up and headed back to the RV.  The shower felt great and after some late lunch we rested a bit.  This afternoon it got abd stayed really warm.  

We 'chilled out' in our RV with all three air conditioners doing great.  We did some further planning on tomorrow's hikes and once organized, we decided to head back to the park yet this afternoon, after 1600 hrs when the timed entry was no longer a player, and knock out a few more hikes.  Gluttons for punishment, I know!

We left the RV at 1640 hrs and entered the park after the short 10 minute drive.  Again there was no line.  We drove to the very north end of the park at the Devil's Garden Trail Head.  On the way we captured a few more pictures:


From Devil's Garden Trail Head there are two arches easily accessible:   Tunnel Arch which was about 0.3 miles and Pine Tree Arch which was an additional 0.2 miles.  So off we went, along with several others that had the same idea!

Soon we took a right and headed down to Tunnel Arch.  It was a fairly short hike from where the trail split, and there it was!

Tunnel Arch from the viewing area

The blue sky in the background peaking through the Tunnel Arch really made for a nice picture.  

We backtracked a short distance and then headed down to Pine Tree Arch.  On the way the scenery continued to be amazing.  


Soon Pine Tree Arch came into view.  We heeded the signs that basically told you to stop and admire it from a distance.  Unfortunately a bunch of idiots either could not read or simply ignored the signs and polluted my pictures.  The National Park Service does not want you deviating from the trails nor do they want you climbing on or around the arches.

We headed back to the truck and both felt pretty good after that hike so we decided to do another hike.  This time at the Skyline Arch.  We parked near the trailhead and headed out on the trail.  The hike was just 0.2 miles and just a mild climb over some rocks.  An interesting fact, before 1940 there was a large boulder that fell out of the Skyline Arch opening, basically doubling the size of the hole.  Here is a before, and then a today picture:

Before 1940 with the rock in the opening

How it looks today

That was a nice hike to Skyline Arch and we still had time and some energy remaining, so we loaded back up and head to Sand Dune Arch.  This hike is about 0.4 miles and relatively flat.  The name should have been a clue that there might be an additional challenge with this one - 'sand'!  Like walking on a beach of very fine, dry sand!

The Sand Dune arch is buried in behind this!

Pretty flat trail leading up to the arch

Some fairly narrow passageways getting back to the arch.

Thick sand

More thick sand 

Sand Dune Arch

This arch is hidden back away from viewing so they have had issues with graffiti, which is unfortunate.

We got back to the truck, and the air conditioning was very welcome.  It was still about 95 degrees, but better than the 105F earlier this afternoon!

That's a wrap for today.  Tomorrow morning we will hit it again with our timed entry pass, visiting other arches and sites that we have yet to see.  Then Tuesday we will likely head downtown to do laundry as there is no facilities here at the campground, which is unusual.  We will also make preparations to depart here Wednesday morning and head to a campground near Mesa Verde National Park, our next stop.

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