Friday, July 14, 2023

14 Jul 2023 - Arrived at Buckley Space Force Base FamCamp, Aurora CO


The tentacles are definitely extending westward!  We departed North Platte NE this morning in the rain at 0839 hrs and headed westbound on I-80.  We did not get very far down the road and decided to pull off as the forecast changed and hail was now included.  If I am going to get hailed on again, I don't want to add to the damage by traveling 60+ mph into it.  This North Platte stay has been incredible.  As mentioned before, the storms have been almost every day.  Why should our departure day be any different?!

As we approached the Hershey NE exit it really let go, so we rolled into a truck stop to join many others with the same idea.  There was just one other semi in the covered refueling bays so as soon as the hail started we pulled in there so as to at least protect the truck.  

The hail turned out to be a nothing burger, maybe a few pea sized and then it quit, but the rain was relentless.  After about 15 minutes the worst of the storm passed and we were back on the road.  We turned off I-80 onto I-76 towards Denver and then at Brush CO we headed south on CO 71 south, which was a two lane highway.  We've had pretty good luck on two lane roads lately so why not!  Well, there are two different construction areas that are one-lane with a traffic signal.  They give you fair warning on a sign that says "expect a 15 minute delay"!  I did not do my homework or I would have known this ahead of time.  Oh well, the rain had quit by then and the sun was out, so we relaxed a bit while we waited for the signal to turn.  At Last Chance CO we turned westward and joined I-70 until we got to Aurora.  Of course the big ol' brown truck has not had much good luck lately with all of her hail damage, so why should I be surprised we get a big ol' windshield rock chip from a truck on I-70...

Some car insurance companies pay 100% for rock chips as repair of them can save on insurance claims for complete windshield replacement when the chip cracks spread across the windshield.  Unfortunately State Farm does not.  It is covered under comprehensive with our $250 deductible...  But, stuff happens.  It's part of traveling all over the country.  Rock chips, dings, hail damage.  C'est la vie! (Such is life)  I took one dang year of French my freshman year of high school from Ms. Mahouad (sp?), only got a "C" in that class, I think the only "C" I ever got in a high school class, and I remember that stuff like it was yesterday.  More worthless knowledge inhabiting brain cells that could be used for better things, like remembering what I had for breakfast yesterday, or when our anniversary is...!   

Anyway, at 1350 hrs (Mountain Time) and 6 hrs 11 minutes and 291 miles later with stops, we arrived at the Mississippi Gate of Buckley Space Force Base (former Air Force Base), processed through the gate and made our way to the FamCamp (military campground).  We stayed here in 2017 during our NW USA RV trip.  We have reservations here, but the process is a bit different than other FamCamps.  Here you proceed to the FamCamp, pick any available site, unhook, set up your coach, then drive back to the Outdoor Rec Office to complete the appropriate  paperwork.  We paid in full when we made our reservations.

With the help of the camp host, we were lucky to get the last available pull-through site.  They are all full hook-up here.  Ours is on the end which is nice, but it looks like either (1)  they are letting the vegetation go back to it's natural state; (2) all of the lawn mowers are broken down and no one knows how to fix them; (3) they are running short on funds and cannot afford to pay the mowing crew; or (4) they simply don't care.  I don't know what it is but this place looks like crap.  There is no evidence the grass has been mowed any time recently, maybe yet this year.  There is a mechanism to provide feedback to the base commander which I plan to do.


On a good note, the sites are spread out and fairly long - plenty of room for the coach and the truck.  The sites are paved, the water pressure is good, they are full hook-up and the power seems to be stable.  The camp host was very friendly and helpful as was the staff in the Outdoor Rec Office. 

Doreen tending to the grill!

I've never seen fifth wheel trailers with golf balls growing out of their roof!

Doreen spent the evening researching things to see that we did not see last time we were here.  We also have military friends that live in the area.

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