Tuesday, July 4, 2023

4 Jul 2023 - Last Day at Bob Shetler Campground


Happy Fourth of July!

This is our last day at Bob Shetler Campground here at Saylorville lake.  It has been a great stay as we were able to spend some time with our son Dan and his family and watch at least one of the two grandson's baseball games.  My sister Karen visited and dropped off some family treasures.  We unloaded our accumulations from Phase I and reloaded our coach for Phase II which officially starts tomorrow morning when we pull chocks here and head towards our next stop, South Sioux City IA.

So today we went into town to our house one last time.  Doreen put up some sweet corn, did our final load of laundry, and unloaded the freezer with our meat for Phase II.  I washed the truck and cleaned it out a bit and also did one last sweep through the yard picking up fallen sticks from recent rain/wind so the yard would be ready for the next mow.  We are lucky to have the son of our neighbor right next door doing our mowing this year, so they are able to stay on top of it easily.  This time of the year the yards start slowing down as the heat of the summer arrives and rainfall is infrequent.  Even as dry as it is the yard still looks great.  

We buttoned up the house one last time and then headed to HyVee for groceries and fuel.  Back at the campground our friend Ken Danley and his wife had arrived.  They are camping right across the street in their Class A  In year's past we have run into Ken at some of the other campgrounds here near Saylorville, but this year both Prairie Flower and Cherry Glen campgrounds are shut down for the entire season for some upgrades.  Ken and I served together with the Iowa Air National Guard for many years.  He was a traditional guardsman Chief Master Sergeant in the Personnel section and I was the full time Chief in Communications.  Ken was the Fire Marshall for the Des Moines Fire Department full time, so we had a lot in common.  He has since retired from DMFD and they enjoy camping in their spare time.

That's about it for now.  Last night was a late one so we will be turning in earlier tonight.  Tomorrow's trip is just over 200 miles so with one or two stops we are looking at around five hours.  In addition, because this is not full hookup, we have to make a stop at the dump station to download the two grey and one black tanks before we head on westbound on I-80 and then northbound on I-29.  

Next report, South Sioux City IA

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