Saturday, July 15, 2023

15 Jul 2023 - Lunch with Orlen and Caroline Wolf, Air Force Friends


Today we had lunch with Orlen and Caroline Wolf, who live in Golden Colorado. I served with Orlen in the Air Force at Loring Air Force Base, Limestone Maine back in the mid-70's. He and I were both radio repairmen and worked together at the transmitter site near Caribou ME. For a while we both resided in base housing in Presque Isle Maine, just a few doors apart. We have stayed in contact all these years and the Wolfs drove to the Des Moines area in July 2015 and honored us with their attendance at my military retirement ceremony. Orlen was teaching at the College of Mines in Golden CO but is retired now from that. He was an active amateur radio operator up in Maine and has continued with that even now.

This morning before lunch, and this afternoon after lunch I spent some time getting caught up with computer work while Doreen did a few loads of laundry. As mentioned yesterday one of the two washing machines are out of service, so doing the laundry was time consuming for her.

As promised, I submitted an Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) which is a web-based tool that collects feedback on services provided by the Defense Department. ICE allows customers to submit online comment cards to provide feedback to service providers at military installations and related facilities around the world. My feedback was focused on the Williams FamCamp here at Buckley SFB and I mentioned these four areas:

1. The grass in the FamCamp looks like it has not been mowed yet this year. 
2. There are several severe ruts along the roadway in the FamCamp that need repaired. 
3. One of two (50%) of the clothes washing machines are inoperative.
4. The reservation system could really use some improvement. 

It is interesting camping here after being here in 2017.  There was a water foul (bird) problem back then which is a really bad problem to have near an active runway with jet engines.  Bird ingestion is a really bad for a jet engine.  So it was determined the FamCamp lake was the cause of the problem.  Get rid of the lake and the water foul will leave, problem solved!  So they drained the lake, and guess what?  It kept refilling.  Well they determined leaking water pipes in the FamCamp were the source of the water that kept refilling the lake.  So they shut down the water until the pipes could be replaced.  So when we camped here in 2017 there was no water.  We had power and sewer but no water!  That was really unusual!.  Here is what the lake looks like now.  It is hard to imagine how that looked full of water:

That's about it for today.  We enjoyed a leisurely evening with a walk around the FamCamp with Liberty, dinner outside and some quiet time inside tonight.

Tomorrow has not been finalized yet but we will likely schedule some sightseeing of some sort.

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