Monday, July 17, 2023

17 Jul 2023 - Last Day at Williams FamCamp Buckley Space Force Base Aurora CO


This is our last day at this stop, Buckley Space Force Base, Williams FamCamp.  The day before departure we always try to wrap things up a bit and make preparations to depart the next morning.

We woke this morning to the sound of equipment.  I don't know if my 'constructive feedback' a few days ago about the conditions of the FamCamp had anything to do with it or not, but there was an 'army' of mowers and weed whackers here in the FamCamp! 

One of several trailers with mowing equipment and workers.

I also do not know if it was coincidence that they started on my site!.  Nevertheless, within a couple hours the entire FamCamp had been mowed, weed-whacked, and power-blowed.  As I said before, it badly needed it so this was a welcome sight.  

While they were working, I made a few phone calls and found a mobile glass repair who was able to work us in at 1100 hrs.  We had to exit the base and meet at a local Seven Eleven gas station parking lot.  This saves the contractor from having to go through the whole search process coming on base since they have no credentials to get on base.  The repair took less than 30 minutes.  As in previous rock chip repairs we've had, their repairs do not make the chip go away 100% but should prevent crack spreading which would likely require complete windshield replacement.  FYI, if you ever need these services it pays to shop around.  The repair was one third the cost of Safelite.  

Following the windshield repair we fueled the truck and then headed back on base to the Base Exchange and Commissary to replenish the pantry and fridge a bit.  I'm not convinced there is a huge savings over your local Walmart today, but it is convenient for those on-base.  I remember the day when BX's and Commissaries offered a huge savings.  

Later we emptied and flushed tanks, stowed all the equipment such as barbecue grill, etc and then retired to the coach to watch the Cubs baseball game.  Later Liberty got her evening walk in and then we called it a night.  There is some weather moving in tonight when brought some evening skies worthy of a picture.  We will keep an eye on things as there are estimates of 50 mph winds which would require us to lower the satellite disk.  Pre-emptively I stowed my flag pole for the night.  

Tomorrow we press westbound out of Denver on I-70 towards out next stop which is just a two night interim stop at the Glenwood Springs West / Colorado River KOA Holiday in Silt CO. 


About half way through our trip tomorrow we will stop at Frisco CO and rendezvous with a dear friend and military comrade Greg "Koa" Schwab and his spouse Debey. I served with Maj Gen (ret) Schwab for many years with the Iowa Air National Guard, but most significantly he chose me to be his Chief when he deployed to Kirkuk Air Base Iraq from 2006-2007 during the surge in the Gulf War. We will talk more about that tomorrow, but that deployment was life-changing for me and I am so thankful to have had that opportunity. Greg and Debey live just west of Des Moines Iowa but have a place here in Frisco CO and we are looking forward to reconnecting with them tomorrow as we pass by, even if it is just for a couple hours over lunch.

Next report, Glenwood Springs West / Colorado River KOA Holiday in Silt CO

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