Sunday, July 9, 2023

9 Jul 2023 - Lunch with Janet Fett


Today we had lunch with a cousin of mine, actually a second cousin, that I had never met.  Janet Fett lives in South Sioux City and is an optometrist.  We had become acquainted on Facebook and we looked forward to the day we could actually meet in person.  That day was today!  We made arrangements to have lunch at a local Mexican restaurant and we met there at noon today.  

The "Fett" side of my family is on my father's side.  Lefty's mother (my grandmother) was Freda Fett.  

A pencil sketch of my grandmother Freda Fett.

My grandmother Freda and her two boys, my uncle Bernard and my dad Lowell "Lefty".  They were home on leave from the United States Marine Corps in 1942 before shipping off to the South Pacific to fight the Japanese during World War II.  
Freda's brother was Wilhalm Fett. His son was Chester Fett and Chester's daughter was Janet Fett. I hope I got that right! Janet?!

Anyway we had a great conversation about our families.  It is obvious I could spend days exchanging information with Janet and I intend to do so but likely after our trip and via the Internet.  I want to get her access to the family tree I have been working on so she can update her portion.

After lunch she came back to our RV to look at my grandmother Freda Fett's bible that my sister Karen gave to me a couple weeks ago, and our conversations continued.  Janet suspects it was Freda's confirmation bible, based on her date of birth (5 May 1892) and the date on the bible (1906)  The bible is all in German.  

Anyway, we had a great meal and great conversation.  It is so nice to meet your kin and learn more about your family.  None of us are getting any younger and with every passing relative more information about the history of the family is potentially lost forever.  I have so much to learn from Janet that I might pass on to my kids.

Tomorrow we will depart the Sioux City area and head towards North Platte NE where we will camp for four nights before heading to Denver and points west and south.

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