Sunday, August 20, 2023

20 Aug 2023 - Arrived at Hill AFB Ogden UT


Wow!  Longer than normal day today for us,.  We departed the Bryce Zion Campground this morning at 0833 hrs and headed north on Hwy 89 and then west on Hwy 20 to I-15.  It was overcast and hazy but it was still a nice drive.

Soon we intersected with I-15 and we were northbound and down!  

There was not a lot of change in scenery, but we enjoyed the ride and  kept the nose headed north.  We past Provo and Salt Lake City before landing at Hill Air Force Base , which is near Ogden UT.  We are at the Hill AFB FamCamp for the next five nights.  We have reservations at the Rio Tinto Kennecott Copper mine on Tuesday.  Wednesday I have an appointment with the big ol' brown truck at a local RAM dealer to look at our elusive leak.  Other than that we have not planned anything firm It would seem only appropriate to take a dip in the Great Salt Lake before we leave!

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