Wednesday, August 23, 2023

23 Aug 2023 - NSTR Truck Repair


Doreen was not thrilled when these guys appeared in the campground last evening.

First want to shout out to all the "back to schoolers" today including our grandkids!  Hailee and Lucas are both juniors, Jon is a sophomore, Lindsey, Addison and Avery are freshmen, Daniel is in 7th grade, Drew is in 6th grade and Calvin is in 5th grade.  My mother Wilma, in heaven, would have been 98 today.  

Today I spent five hours at the local RAM dealer getting my truck checked/repaired.  While I was doing that, Doreen did some laundry and held down the fort at the campground.

As mentioned in previous blog entries, when we were in southern Utah I noticed some residue of a leak in the engine compartment of the big ol' brown truck.  I looked for a leak and found none, so I photo-documented it and then cleaned it up so that maybe the leak could be found.  As a precaution I made an appointment at a RAM dealer up here and that was this morning at 0945 hrs.  Of course there was nothing detectable leaking while driving the 300+ miles up here or while we have been here, so I was not sure if  they were going to find anything or not.

They got the truck right in and I hung around due to the unknowns.  They had a nice waiting area and VERY well stocked with snacks and beverages!  I confess one of the chocolate chip cookies jumped out of the box right into my hand, but other than that I refrained.  The coffee was good too (the important stuff).

Some awesome looking cinnamon rolls!

Chips, cookies, jerky, bars, etc

A whole variety of coffees, teas, hot chocolate, sodas, water, etc.

The suspect source of the leak, based on my pictures and their experience, was the cooling system.  The residue did not look like antifreeze to me, but they do this every day.  My guess was either transmission fluid or power steering fluid.  The service department's process involved a visual inspection and then mechanically pressurizing the cooling system and further leak detection.  Sure enough, they found it!  These trucks have an upper radiator hose assembly that is actually two hoses and a wye adapter on it, and it has to be replaced as an assembly.  

This is the assembly.

This is a before (left) and after (right with red line on the new assembly)

So, we are very glad they were able to nail it down and that they had the replacement part in stock.  I was back at the campground by 1530 hrs, which pretty much shot the day, but I would much rather kill five hours here than break down in the middle of no where in Wyoming with no parts and a 15,000 lb fifth wheel hooked to the back!

Tomorrow we have tickets to tour the Rio Tinto Kennecott copper mine at 1130 hrs.  It is about an hour from the campground.  Tomorrow is also our last day here, so after our tour we will hit the commissary again to restock the pantry, fill the truck, dump and flush the tanks and get ready to bug out eastward Friday morning.  

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