Thursday, August 10, 2023

9 Aug 2023 - Hoover Dam and Neon Museum


Great but long day, so an abbreviated post tonight (after midnight here).   This morning we rose early and drove an hour to the Hoover Dam.  We got in line early to maximize our chances of upgrading our tour and being on the first one.  Successful on both fronts!  So much history here, especially considering it was built in the 1930's.  I will come back and post more later, but just a few pictures now:

This afternoon we spent quite a bit of time researching things to see and do in Las Vegas, where they were located, which ones we could combine in the same trip, etc. I think we have a pretty good game plan for the remaining days.  Tomorrow we have a full morning planned, and then we have tickets for Battlebots tomorrow night.  Friday is booked up pretty good to.  Saturday is open now and Sunday we will make preparations to depart Monday morning.  More to follow on the schedule.

This evening we drove about nine miles into town and toured the Neon Museum Las Vegas, which is something best done at night, so our tickets were 2130 hrs.  Again, so much Las Vegas history, starting back when it was a simple railroad stop between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City.  Our tour guide was a former American History high school teacher, so our neon sign tour was woven with historical information.  Very, very informative. This is a must do if you are in Vegas and have a free evening.  A few pictures:

Good night all!

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