Monday, August 21, 2023

21 Aug 2023 - NSTR Sick Dog, Commissary and Rescheduling


Woke up to a sick dog this morning.  Rarely, Liberty will get some sort of intestinal thing where she either vomits a bit of blood or it is visible in her stool.  We carry veterinarian-supplied medication for this, so she got a morning pill and then we basically chilled out.  

Hurricane Hilary's rainy weather is moving this way and our Rio Tinto Kennecott Mine tour that was scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday) looked to be in jeopardy.   I emailed them and not only did they give me a full refund, they gave me a coupon code so that when we rescheduled for later in the week, it would be at no cost at all!  So I rescheduled for 24 Aug.  Guess we know what we are doing for my birthday!

Later this afternoon it was obvious Liberty was feeling better as she was barking and playing, so Doreen and I headed out to visit the Base Exchange, the Commissary and the Express (gas station).  This is one of the few bases where the Express station sells diesel.  We picked up a couple items in the BX and then restocked in the Commissary as the prices were really good compared to the little place we shopped in southern Utah.

We had some wind today >30mph so the satellite dish was lowered and I stowed the flag pole.  We had rain off and on but it did not amount to much.  More is supposed to be coming tonight and especially tomorrow.  We have a lot of local channels available here, so we tuned in the nightly news/weather and the reports coming in from southern Utah are nasty.  

The large red dot is where we were in southern Utah before coming here.

This evening was nice, overcast and cooler but minimal rain so far, so we headed out on a walk with Liberty.  I took these pictures of the area surrounding the FamCamp.

Blue running track across the street from the Fitness Center. 
This is looking west, straight out from the front of our RV

Looking a bit south, track still visible.  Ominous clouds.

Looking east, sun is setting in the west and shining on the Wasatch Mountains

We are having to shift gears due to the weather, so tomorrow's plan, assuming Liberty is doing OK, is to take her with us to the Golden Spike National Historical Park which is about an hour north of where we are camping.  If she is feeling poorly, we will stay put and tend to her.

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