Tuesday, August 8, 2023

8 Aug 2023 - NSTR - Laundry, Propane, Class Six, Exchange, Commissary, Jet Noise - The Sound of Freedom!


Busy day but nothing cosmic.  Doreen spent most of the morning doing laundry.  The good news is there are ample laundry facilities here in the campground and it is cheap - $0.75 to wash, $0.75 to dry.  We had been accumulating laundry a bit since the last park did not have a laundry facility and we did my utility towels, the ones I use to dry the truck after washing, etc.  As the morning wore on the heat increased.  We had a high of 105F and a low last night of 77F.  But it is a dry heat LOL. As I write this, at 2048 hrs, it is 93F outside.

The F22 Raptors flying sorties overhead!

After lunch I drove to the nearby 'shopette' which is basically a convenience store.  This one happens to be just a few blocks from the FamCamp and it refills propane cylinders.  Due to my snafu, we had one that was completely empty, so I took it to get it filled.  We carry two 30lb propane tanks on the coach.  A 30 lb propane tank holds about 7 gallons of propane and weighs 55 lbs when full.  A full 30 lb tank is about 80% of the tank's total volume.  So, I bought 7.50 gallons of propane @ $3.99/gallon

After I returned and reinstalled the full tank, we headed first for the Class Six, which is the base liquor store.  If you have read my blog posts in the past you will recognize the brand Buffalo Trace, which is a premium Kentucky bourbon.  It can be very difficult to find depending on your geographic location.  We walk into the Class Six and they have cases of it at $22/bottle!  Unbelievable!  The only other Buffalo Trace product they had was Bourbon Cream which is a delicious, creamy sipping bourbon.  Also great in coffee and on ice cream  

We finished there and did an obligatory sweep through the Base Exchange.  Doreen bought an anniversary card for some great friends and I checked out their depleted stock of Beretta 92FS pistols.  They have a selection of t-shirts and other souvenirs for sale.  I noticed the references to Red Flag, which is a two-week aerial combat training exercise that the United States Air Force holds several times a year here. Red Flag is designed to give pilots and other flight crew members from the U.S. and allied countries realistic training in air combat. The exercise includes realistic aerial war games and complex aerial drills against simulated adversaries. Our pilots, aircraft and mechanics from our Des Moines Air Guard Unit participated in Red Flag annually.  Nellis also hosts the Fighter Weapons school, and training centers for special warfare combat Airmen such as TACP (Tactical Air Control Party)/JTAC's (Joint Terminal Attack Controllers).  

Last stop was the commissary (grocery store) and we stocked up a bit.  The pantry and fridge had been depleted since things were so expensive at the Grand Canyon.  (no pictures)

A Thunderbird F16 static display in front of their headquarters

On the way back to the campground we drove by the Thunderbirds aerial demonstration team headquarters and museum.  I have been there before but Doreen never has, so we have that as a to-do for this week,.  There were many Thunderbirds on the ramp as we drove by but I did not take any pictures 

We ended our day grilling some steaks our kids gave us for Christmas,  as part of a meat package from our local Fareway store.  They were delicious of course! We noticed the beauty in a set of mountains east of Nellis Air Force Base that are visible from our FamCamp. I believe this might be Sunrise Mountain.  

Tomorrow we take the Hoover 'dam tour' LOL  I promise if I get separated from the tour like Clark W. Griswold did (Vegas Vacation), I won't create a leak in the dam's interior walkway and then climb the scaffolding to the very top of the dam to get out!!

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