Sunday, May 21, 2023

21 May 2023 - Arrived at Whispering Hills RV Park and the Hijinx Commence


This morning we departed the Corbin/Laurel Lake KOA at 1013 hrs and headed up I-75 towards Lexington KY.  We had clear skies and smooth sailing today and the scenery through Kentucky was awesome.

We stopped at Buc-ee's which is a convenience store chain that sells fuel, food, beverages, etc primarily located in the south but gaining ground in other areas throughout the US.  In fact they are building one near Madison WI.  If you have never stopped at a Buc-ee's you need to stop there and experience it some time.  They have a huge fueling area and Tesla recharging station's, but inside the story they have a beef jerky bar and some of the best barbecue you have ever tasted.  Their brisket sandwiches are awesome! 

Buc-ee's is massive, and extremely busy!

Another Alliance coach fueling at Buc-ee's

From Buc-ee's we were only about 45 miles south of the campground when we were there.  We needed the stretch and break but we were also killing time so that we could arrive at the campground not too long before check-in time which was 1300 hrs.

We camped at Whispering Hills RV Park in 2022 as we departed the Alliance Rally.  We stayed here and visited the Ark Encounter as well as the Buffalo Trace bourbon distillery.  We rolled in here at 12:48 hrs and were quickly checked-in and escorted to our site.  

Our home for the next four nights

The koi pond and the registration office in the background

Liberty checking out the neighbors!

 I did not get any picture of our site here yet, but they are gravel, wide and full hookup.  There are five Alliance coaches here.  Ed & Doreen; Mitch & Jane; Bob & Jill; George and Donna; Ralph by himself as Lindy is at home waiting for a new grand baby to arrive!  On Wednesday we are going to ride on a tour bus and visit the Buffalo Trace distillery.  

Tonight we had pizza as a group, shared some bourbon and other beverages, and shared many stories!  We had a lot of fun and are looking forward to the rest of the week before we all pull chocks and head to a pre-rally in Elkhart IN and then the Alliance Rally in Goshen.

Tomorrow at 0930 hrs Mitch and I are going to replace my slide skiis!

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