Monday, May 29, 2023

29 May 2023 - Excellence


Memorial Day here at the campground.  Flags were flying high as we remembered those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.  My daughter Michelle and our grandson Jon headed back to Oak Creek WI after a quick trip over here.  It was so great to see them! 


Michelle and Leia, along with Keith and Jon!

Waving goodbye to Michelle and Jon!

We spent part of the day setting up for the Rally.  Tomorrow we will open the Owner's reception area where the Rally attendees will get their bags full of items and a welcome meal with a sandwich and beverage.   Later we attended a birthday party for Charles and Steve, a couple of our Texas Ally's.  
A huge spread of food for all!

Birthday party attendees keeping cool under the sun shade!

Yard full of Ally's!

The adults buried in technology!

Rachel and Kelli - beautiful ladies!

Later we gathered around the fire and enjoyed some fellowship with Ally's.  Ben Randall, and employee of Alliance RV joined us by the camp fire and we had fun talking with him about the history of Alliance since he has been with them since day #1.  Ben Randall is the real deal, folks, and he truly cares about Alliance and his fellow employees and his customers.  This guy is as sincere as the day is long.  I presented him with a Command Chief coin and thanked him for everything he does for Alliance.   He exudes the Air Force Core Values of Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence in All We Do.  God Bless you Ben Randall!

Tomorrow will be a busy day with registration and all.   Let the Rally begin!

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