Sunday, May 28, 2023

28 May 2023 - Lunch with Daughter Jennifer


Today we drove north into Michigan and had lunch with our daughter Jennifer and her family including her husband James, daughter Lindsey and her son Lucas.  Our older daughter Michelle and her husband Keith and son Jon joined us also.  We met at a restaurant and had a great lunch including some gizzards as an appetizer!  We exchanged some gifts including some Mexican vanilla that we brought up from San Antonio and some Lone Star beer also from Texas.  We don't see enough of them and were thankful we were able to get together .
Daughter's Jennifer and Michelle

Grandson Lucas, Grand daughter Lindsey, Nana, Gramps and Grandson Jon

Back at the campground we continued to reconnect with friends from across the United States as the surge of Alliance RV's arrived at the fairgrounds for the Rally. 

Great Alliance friends  with Mike & Rachel, George & Donna, and Ralph & Lindy

 This picture kind of sums it up as we head into Memorial Day, as we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms, both foreign and domestic.  Freedom is not free.   
Photo credit Joyce Piazza Lawrence

In the next few days as the Rally gets rolling we may not post every day, since we will be attending seminars and other events.  Thanks for rolling along with us.  .  

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