Friday, May 5, 2023

5 May 2023 - Cinco De Mayo! Day 2 of the Texas Alliance Rally


Happy Cinco De Mayo!  This is day #2 of the Texas Alliance Rally.  We had a plate full of events today starting with early bird coffee at 0730 hrs.  I supplied the sugar packets for that since we had a bunch on board for the national rally.  We sat through several presentations and then we had the group photo (above)  where everyone wore their red Rally shirts.  I counted about 113 in the photo +/-.

For lunch we had a Texas barbecue brisket sandwich with chips and it was delicious.  

In the afternoon Doreen attended a crafts class where she created some beautiful things out of sea shells, sand, and some other items.

I attended some more presentations including one on RV solar installations.  

In the evening there was a band playing and we attended a "Throw-on".  Out friends had their grill going and you bring the meat of you own choice and "throw it on" their grill, plus everyone brings a side of some sort.  

Our great friend Jim Bonacci who is here from the Alliance company 

Grill master Mike Ellis at work!

Some more of the Fareway meat our kids got us for Christmas!

I tried a Yuengling Hershey's Chocolate Porter after dinner and it was really good!

After dinner we headed down to Charles and Leslie Tyer's Alliance Valor to enjoy some Texas Redneck Margaritas and fellowship with our FamAlly.  We enjoyed catching up a bit with Carla and Rick Polidaro.  As the sun went down, the moon showed above their Paradigm with the illuminated Texas flag on their front cap!

Tomorrow is the last official day of the Rally and we have a full schedule again tomorrow.  Again, another fantastic day with great friends!

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