Sunday, May 14, 2023

14 May 2023 - Happy Mother's Day: Last Day at Maxwell + Burst Hose


This morning we tuned in our grandson Daniel's baseball game in West Des Moines Iowa using an app called Game Changer.  We love being able to cast that to our big screen TV.  Almost like being there!

Part way through the game we had a knock on our door, which seldom happens.  The guy said he thought our water hose had burst!  So I headed out and sure enough, we had "Old Faithful" going on.  I snapped a quick picture and then shut off the water.  

The white hose is the drinking water hose that burst.

A weak spot (we call that an aneurysm) burst!

We gave the grass a good watering!

We've been camping in a fifth wheel for 10 years now and we have never had a water hose burst, so I was a bit suspicious!  That hose was original from our first Jayco in 2013, so we got our money's worth out of it, but something still seemed a bit weird.  Before replacing the hose with one of my spares, I put a meter on the hydrant, and wow, 104 PSI water pressure!!  That is insane!

Well, that explains it.  I regulate the water inside the coach to 40 PSI, but I have never had an issue with a hose aneurysm until now.  

My adjustable inside water pressure regulator and meter

Well, that was fun!  Never a dull moment!  Doreen and I headed off base to grab some lunch or so we thought.  I had found a couple Mexican restaurants on Google Maps so we drove through downtown, but apparently they roll up the sidewalks here on Sundays because hardly anything was open.  After some frustrations and driving we stopped to fuel the truck before tomorrow's departure then headed back to the RV for a salad and sandwich.  The Cubs were on TV and got it handed to them by the Twins 3-16!  

Later on a storm rolled in with some winds and unfortunately the guy that stopped over and told us about our water leak had departed for the day and left with his awning out, which is no-no.  You never know when the wind is going to spin up and the awnings do not tolerate much wind before twisting and breaking. 
The controls to retract the awning are inside the coach, and no one answered the knock. I tried calling the campground office but it is not staffed on the weekends and the "emergency" number went to voice mail.  I did not have any rope or anyway to secure the awning in the wind and even doing that can cause damage, so all we could do was watch.  Leaving your camper with the awning deployed is an expensive lesson most campers will only make once.    

Once the storm passed we headed out with Liberty for her evening walk and were amazed at the beautiful, complete rainbow.  

That's it for Maxwell Air Force Base.  Tomorrow morning we head from Alabama, through Georgia to Chattanooga TN for the next few nights.  There we will meet up with Brad and Beth Herren, our friends from Big Canoe Georgia.  Brad was stationed with us in Maine.

Next report, Chattanooga TN!

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