Tuesday, May 2, 2023

2 May 2023 - Relaxing Day at the Campground - Lazy River, Hot Tub


Ed, Doreen; George, Donna; Ralph, Lindy 

Beautiful weather at Jamaica Beach RV Resort in Galveston TX again today with temps in the upper 70's.  The clouds took over this afternoon but the sun peeked through and still made for a great day.  After washing the truck yesterday and the front cap the day before, we had accumulated some towels that needed washed and some clothes as well, so Doreen did a couple loads this morning.  The campground is amazing with three or four laundry facilities. The one Doreen used is on the second floor of an elevated building, which provided a great view of the campground.  

Liberty and I, and later Doreen, walked around and talked with the Alliance owners from all over the Country who are gathering here for the Texas Alliance Rally.  More are arriving each day.  We are one of the admins on the Alliance Owner's Facebook group, and we have attended all three of the Alliance national rallies since the company started, so we have met and become friends with hundreds of Alliance owners from coast to coast.  They have 65 Alliance coaches registered for the Texas Rally, which starts Thursday.

This afternoon we headed to the lazy river and joined our Florida Alliance friends George and Donna Walker, and our Georgia Alliance friends  Ralph Lowther and Lindy Fairel who were already there.  The lazy river is really nice and there were just a couple others there other than our friends.  The water is a tad chilly but once you get in, it is all good. 


Inside the lazy river there are cabanas that can be rented but none were being used today.

We made several trips around the river and then made our way to the hot tub to warm up a bit.  The hot tub is in a separate building, likely so it can be used year round.  

Donna, Doreen and Lindy

Ralph, George and Ed

Tomorrow morning we had made plans with another Ally to help him install his slideout skis and photo-document the process.  

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