Thursday, May 25, 2023

25 May 2023 - Arrived at Elkhart Campground


We got up earlier than normal this morning to get an early start on a longer-than-normal drive for us.  We typically shoot for around 200 miles on out travel days but today's drive was 335 miles which took us 6 hrs 10 minutes.  The other Alliance owners at the Whispering Hills Campground were also all headed to Elkhart Campground today, but we assumed everyone would depart at staggered times depending on when they got up and got going.  Arrival at Elkhart was surely staggered too as everyone travels at a different speed and stops vary as well.  

So this morning it was quite a surprise when George and Donna Walker rolled out and and within 10 seconds Ralph Lowther rolled out and then we followed Ralph!  We had us a convoy!!

We followed each other until after our only stop where I got fuel and we all had a pottie break which was near Kokomo IN, then we split up for a while but we all rolled into the Elkhart Campground within a few minutes of each other.

We then all set up our coaches which involves getting them disconnected from the tow vehicle, leveling, hooking up electric, water and sewer hoses, deploying the slide-outs and setting up the insides with everything that was stored for transport.  When I deployed our slid-outs, this is what I found.  A large piece of trim was bounced loose because of terrible roads.  I am surprised this is all that happened.  The good news is Alliance service techs were in my coach within minutes and repaired the fallen trim like it never happened!  

Here at the Elkhart Campground there are many Alliance owners camping in what we call a "pre-rally".  They are here in advance of the Alliance Rally which is next week.  Alliance has teams of service technicians working on coaches and taking care of issues which is truly amazing!  This is also a reunion of old friends and the meeting of new friends.  It is fun to just walk about and meet people from all over the United States!

Tonight we gathered at a friends coach and had what they call a "throw-on", where the grills are going and you "throw-on" what ever meat you want, and then you bring one or two side dishes to share.  This is just the start of many social gatherings here.  While they are waiting to move to the Elkhart County Fairgrounds Campground on Sunday for the Alliance Rally, those attending will also take the opportunity to visit local attractions and enjoy local restaurants.  This is our fourth rally and we have met literally hundreds of "Ally's" who have become close friends.  It is a lot of fun!

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