Wednesday, May 3, 2023

3 May 2023 - Ski Replacement and Arrival of more FamAlly


Another great day to Jamaica Beach RV Resort.  I spent most of the day helping another Ally replace slide skis on his coach.  It was a learning experience for everyone.  We photo-documented the process as there are quite a few others who will be doing this. This is just one of many photos of the process! 

While we were working on the skis, it was so nice of Doreen's cousin Tammy came down from League City TX to see her.  They had a great time reminiscing about their lives growing up in Cedar Falls Iowa.  I wished I would have been there to hear their stories. When Doreen and I were dating in high school we used to babysit for Tammy and her brother!

After finishing up the slide ski project I came back to the RV and relaxed a bit before washing our coach, which is a huge job.  I really needed to get this done as it had been covered in salt water spray down in Corpus Christi.  Doreen helped as Liberty supervised and we got it knocked out!  Just as we were finishing, our great friends from Arkansas arrived, Mike and Rachel Ellis.  They own an Alliance coach but did not bring it down to the Texas Rally.  We will meet up with them again at Elkhart IN as we transition to the Elkhart County 4H Campground for the 4th Alliance National Rally.  We first met them at Elkhart during the very first Alliance Rally.  Mike is an Air Force retiree so we hit it off right away and have been great friends ever since.  

Later a bunch of the "OG's" - original group. old guard, old guys, whatever you want to call us, went out to eat at a local eatery, the West End Marina and Restaurant.  WE have not been together since the Alliance Rally last year in May.

We had some good food and great company.  The craziness and hijinks continued as our waiter made sure we were properly hydrated and nourished!!  The laughs continued into the evening until we moved the party back to the Jamaica Beach RV Resort.  We had a great time with a propane-fired campfire, some bourbon sampling and more laughs.  Liberty came with us and crashed in her stroller.  What a great time with great friends!

So it was a great day and a fantastic evening!  They say "laughter is the best medicine"!  In fact, laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.  It has been a while since we have laughed as much as we have the past few days.  We are so fortunate to have great friends like our FamAlly here.  Thank you to our Texas Ally's who invited us down to their Rally.  The actually Rally starts tomorrow and we have three days packed full of events and fellowship.  My blog posts may be delayed a bit, but we will try the best we can.  

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