Thursday, April 13, 2023

13 Apr 2023 - International Bowling Museum & HOF + Dinner with Jeremy Kinder

The "Strike Bike", bowling theme motorcycle by Orange County Choppers 

 Today we drove just a few miles north, near the Ranger's ballpark and also near Six Flags to visit the International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame.  Our grandsons from Oak Creek WI are both really good bowlers and we thought it only appropriate to visit this museum and learn more about the sport.  

My childhood recollection of bowling was primarily in the 1960's on a black and white TV show called "Bowling for Bucks", featuring a squared away Milwaukee bowler named Earl Anthony.  He sported a crew cut haircut and horn-rimmed glasses and this guy could bowl!  
Earl Anthony

Over his career Earl Anthony amassed 43 titles and six Player of the Year awards on the Professional Bowlers Association tour.  Why do I remember this guy?  He must have really made an impression on me!  

So back to the museum, they covered the history of bowling, the hardware of the sport, and the Hall of Fame names.  I had no idea that the sport of bowling dates back to approximately 200 AD!  Archeologists in Egypt have unearthed evidence of narrow bowling-type lanes, pin devices and balls used to knock them down! 

Bowling was quite prevalent in England and elsewhere in Europe it was played outdoors with variants like Bocce.  As people migrated west to the new country, so did the sport of bowling.  By the 1850's bowling had been established in New York City at the Knickerbocker Alleys and even women and the upper class enjoyed the sport.  Technology was limited back then and "Pinboys" set the pins by hand or in a carriage that dropped the pins onto the lane.  In 1951 the first automatic pin setting machine was developed by AMF and installed in Michigan.  Brunswick developed theirs and installed it in 1956 in New Jersey.

An audio-visual presentation on "Pinboys"

There were other areas of the museum devoted to more history, women's contributions to bowling history, and the science behind the bowling lanes, bowling pins and bowling balls.  

Bowling lane construction

The different types of oil patterns that are applied to the lanes.  Wow!

How bowling pins are made

How bowling balls are made!

A bowling alley that you can test your skills

An area in the Hall of Fame sections.  
There were multiple touch screens where you could search for names

At the end of the museum was a gift shop with all sorts of souvenirs, books and other items of interest.  We both enjoyed the museum and learned a lot about bowling!

Back at the campground Doreen did some laundry and we had a light lunch.  This evening we met Doreen's cousin (1st cousin once removed) Jeremy Kinder for dinner at the Cowtown Brewing Company, which is a brew-pub located in Fort Worth.  They serve locally brewed beers and a food truck provides entrees in the evenings.  It was great catching up with Jeremy.  For several years Jeremy coached baseball in Norwalk. Jeremy's grandfather and Doreen's dad were brothers, so both Jeremy and Doreen were from Cedar Falls Iowa.  Jeremy has been a teacher and coach in Fort Worth area for many years.  

Doreen's cousin Jeremy Kinder out to eat with us

The Cowtown Brewing Company

We have no set plans for tomorrow yet.  We will see what develops!

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