Saturday, April 29, 2023

29 Apr 2023 - Sleepless Night and Last Day at Corpus Christi


The crazy weather I described in yesterday's blog continued... all night!  The wind was relentless and rocked the RV all last night and most of the day today.  It was of no direct danger, just loud and annoying and enough to keep us up all night.  So it had been a long day.  

Doreen did a couple loads of laundry in preparation for our departure on Sunday morning.  The laundry facilities here are free, which is the case in some of the military FamCamps we stay.  The machines are located in a building that is near the shore, so Doreen took quite a few pictures of the angry waters.  

Here is a video of the shoreline and the angry seas!  

While she did that I got caught up on some computer work and took Liberty for a couple walks.  Liberty struggled to walk against the wind and could not wait to get back to the RV.  She is also annoyed by the little sand burrs that are prevalent here.  They are painful to the touch and her fur attracts them.  Before lunch we were able to tune into grandson Calvin's baseball game and in between the screen locking up due to lousy Internet here, we saw him bat three times including a triple, and pitch a few innings. He also was catcher for one entire game.  His efforts got him the MVP award for the tournament!  Glad their weather cooperated and they were able to get in the games.   It is still cold in Iowa!

In the afternoon we drove to the base fuel station and filled the big ol' brown truck with diesel.  That is unique as most base fuel stations don't usually have diesel.  We noticed the diesel prices were comparable with those off-base.  We also made a stop at the commissary to restock the fresh vegetables before departing tomorrow.  

Back at the campground we completed the tasks we normally do the day before we leave which makes things go smoother in the morning.

As the day went on, the winds died down until finally about dinner time we were actually able to deployed the satellite dish again. It was kind of nice just relaxing a bit tonight.  We typically review our route for the departure and make sure everything is ready to go.  

That's it from Corpus Christi.  Tomorrow we will pull chocks and head for the Jamaica Beach RV Resort on Galveston Island where we will attend the Texas Alliance RV Rally!  Thanks for tuning in.  

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