Sunday, April 23, 2023

23 Apr 2023 - Computer Work Continues


At the John and Paula Perdue residence for Bloody's!

The computer work continued today.  We basically cleared out the room, destroyed all the old hard drives, SIM cards, etc and after we had married power supplies with all the devices we disposed of everything else.  We then started transferring files from the various laptops and notebooks to a portable hard disk so my sister would have a copy of all pictures, documents, music, videos and anything else on them.  When we are done we will wipe everything and that will basically wrap it up.

We took a pause in the action this afternoon when another storm made it's way through.  My Tempest weather device recorded the changes and here is what the temp and wind speed did:

Temperature dropped like a rock very quickly!

Wind speed spiked but not the 80mph they had predicated.

Because of the storm predictions we rolled the slides in and got ready to take shelter if needed but the worst of the storm went to our east near Brownsville where there were tornado warnings.  We got some pretty significant rainfall and they broadcast flash flood warnings here.

After a while the storm let up and we headed down the street to John Perdue's residence.  We had dinner with John and his wife Paula last night and they invited us down for Bloody Marys at 1600 hrs!  John  is a retired Navy submariner and it was interesting talking with him last night and again this afternoon.  They live down here all winter and then take off in their RV tomorrow and travel the United States like Doreen and I do.  They take advantage of military campgrounds whenever possible, and we have stayed in a lot of the same campgrounds in our travels.  

We took sister Karen out for pizza this evening at a local pizzeria and then when we got back we took Liberty for a walk back to John's house.  I gave him one of my coins and thanked him for his years of service in the United State Navy.  Respect!  

Tomorrow we travel to a local machine/welding shop that is fabricating stainless steel slide skis to replace the plastic ones that seem to be failing on our coaches.  Since they are made right down here, I volunteered to transport them to the Texas Alliance Rally in Galveston for anyone that wanted to order them.  On our way back we will also stop into H-E-B to do some shopping! 

Also, edit from last night's post:  A shout out to our grandson Daniel on his two run homerun yesterday clear over the center field fence.  He nearly got a second one as well.  We watched most of the first two games but we were unable to watch the third when he got his "dinger"!  Great job, D!  We are proud of you!

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