Saturday, April 22, 2023

22 Apr 2023 - Computer Work


Our command center!  The incentive to finish is to free up the laundry machines LOL

Computer work was the name of the game today here at the Llano Grande RV Park.  My sister had Rubbermaid bins full of her late husband's electronics "stuff".  Not unlike many of us, he never threw a cable away because he might need it some day.  It's how our brains are "wired".  So that is one of the goals here - sort it, sort through it, figure out if it still works, and then decided what to do with it!

Sorted piles of cables and power supplies


So we started with one bin and dug our way through it and then started on the next bin.  With my 42+ years of communications experience, identifying and sorting the cables and hardware was relatively easy.  Optic cables, USB cables, USB hubs, Lightning cables, HDMI cables, analog video/audio cables, S-video cables, Ethernet cables, power cables, power supplies, CATV cables, power cubes, and the list goes on.  Then we have Bluetooth speakers, headphones, ear buds, computer speakers;  VR goggles, hard drives, zip drives, thumb drives, flash drives; iPads, Fire tablets, HP tablets; cell phones from analog flip to Moto smart phones; routers, RV electronics, cable modems - you get the idea!

Using multi-outlet strips to power the USB adapters and the various electronics

Once we got our piles created we started trying to get devices charged up to see if they worked and then sanitize them of personally-identifiable information and other sensitive info plus download and save pictures and any other memorabilia.

Analyzing the hard drives, thumb drives and flash drives

Lastly, Karen will decide on disposition of the stuff.  We hope to wrap that up tomorrow!  We made really good progress today. 

While we were working on the sorting, Doreen and Liberty checked out the park.  This resort is massive and plenty of opportunities for walks.  

Post card picture!

One of the neighbor's orange trees!

In between sorting and while the electronics was charging, we walked about and looked at Karen's embroidery studio.  She showed us various quilts she has in-work and other projects.  He stash of embroidery thread, stabilizer and fabric is awesome!  Outside, we were amazed that one of the trees she has is a sour (or bitter) orange tree.  I had never heard of this before.  Apparently they use these oranges to make marmalade, but they are not good to eat directly.  

Some of the sour oranges that were on the ground.

Young, green sour orange fruit on the tree.

Doreen and Karen left me in my "geek-dom" and headed out to visit a fruit and vegetable market and brought back some goodies for us!  The cucumbers and some onions are already sliced and they are marinating in vinegar, salt and pepper!  I plan to season and grill the peppers!  The avocados will undoubtedly end up in a guacamole.  The limes are destined for a drink!  Yum!

This evening we met some of Karen's friends at a local Italian restaurant called Cortino's.  They have been serving authentic Italian cuisine since 1966.  We had been there before when we were down here in 2019 for Karen and Jim's 50th wedding anniversary.  The food is absolutely amazing and so is the service!

Tomorrow the forecast is rain,  We will hit the electronics hard and try to wrap that up.

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