Saturday, April 8, 2023

8 Apr 2023 - Last Day at Oklahoma City


A gorgeous Saturday here at Mustang Run RV Park.  We had a leisurely day working around the coach, walking around the park and preparing for our departure tomorrow morning.  From the picture above you can see we had one of the "locals" come calling today.  Liberty of course greeted him with enthusiasm to say the least!  Mr. Goose is very tame and was looking for a handout, which we did not provide.  But that did not prevent him from walking right up to our stairs and asking!  No fear with this guy!  

Last year we saw most of the local attractions here we wanted to see, so today we chose to stay put and get some things done around here. This afternoon was our grandson Daniel's first baseball tournament of the season and we wanted to be here to watch that as well. Doreen did some laundry and I focused on the windows.  We washed all of the mirrors and windows inside and out removing the screens as we went.  I use a window squeegee on a telescopic pole for the outside windows that are too high.  One of the things we love about this coach is the huge windows and great view.  That is amplified by clean windows!    

Later this morning was game time for our grandson Daniel.  He and his brother Calvin have followed in the footsteps of their great grandfather Lefty, their grandfather Ed (me!) and their father Dan with their passion and skills for baseball.  Daniel is good no matter what position he plays, but he rocks on the mound as a pitcher and he is simply awesome behind the plate as a catcher.  The downside of our summer travels is not being home for their games but the next best thing is an app called Game Changer.  Their baseball games are streamed and we can cast that to our 50" HDTV in our RV.  The image and sounds are the next best thing to being there!

For our volleyball grand daughter we have "Baller TV".  For our hockey playing grandson we have "Livebarn".  For our bowling grandkids we rely on either Facebook or a You Tube channel.  We try to stay in tuned with all of our grandkids as we travel!

Later today we used an app called "Gas Buddy" to locate the lowest price diesel fuel in the area and fueled up the big ol' brown truck before tomorrow's journey to the Dallas-Arlington area.  Later this afternoon we tuned in on our outside TV to the Chicago Cubs as they were hosting the Texas Rangers, finishing up with some bratwurst, onions and sweet potatoes on the grill.  

Tomorrow we will pull chocks and head southbound on I-35 to the Dallas-Arlington KOA for the next eight nights.

Thanks for following along!

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