Monday, April 24, 2023

24 Apr 2023 - Even More Computer Work!


The HP laptop providing the answers for the Apple products that provided the challenges!

Today was the day we were supposed to drive the Pharr TX to pick up slideout skis for our coach and for quite a few attendees of the Texas Rally in Galveston.  I called first thing this morning and they were not done due to an employee being absent... today.  And they have known for how long we were going to pick them up today?!  They promised them by 1300 hrs tomorrow and luckily that will work, so we will adjust accordingly. 

Momma always said, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"  Momma obviously was not talking about iPads or Macs.  After a while it becomes a quest.  This MacBook Pro is not going to win!  Today we wiped and reloaded two iPads while spending some quality time with Apple Support on the phone about a stubborn MacBook Pro computer.  We played stump the support technician!  But with a lot of patience we finally cracked the nut and figured out how to wipe and reloaded the operating system on this MacBook.  That was ongoing throughout the day.  While I did this Doreen did a couple loads of laundry and entertained Liberty.

Mid day we took a break while things were running and we made a trip to a local H-E-B grocery store to replenish the pantry a bit. Then back to the campground to continue on the IT equipment.  For dinner Karen took us to a local restaurant that specializes in burgers, called Ranch House Burgers.

They have about any type of burger you can imaging.  I chose a bacon jalapeno cheeseburger.  Doreen had a taco salad and Karen had chicken strips.  The food was delicious and plentiful!  We are going to have to walk a few more miles with Liberty to walk off these great meals!

Entrance to Llano Grande Resort

After dinner, back to the resort and back to the computer work.  This is a full featured, gated community and everyone is very friendly. There is always a smile at the gate!  

The computer work is a labor of love.  It is nice to re-engage the brain and use that knowledge, skills and abilities gathered over the past 57 years.  I started dabbling in electronics at around 10 years old in DeWitt Iowa where I grew up.  I could not get enough of it then, and that passion continued on through junior high when I decided I wanted to serve my Country, and senior high school when I enlisted in the Air Force.  The rest is history all the way through my 42+ years of service and into retirement, but the passion is still there.  Again, ain't no stinkin' computer gonna get the best of me LOL!

Patience, patience!!

This is the screen we have been anxiously anticipating!

The computer work continued on until  about 2100 hrs and we declared victory!  Nice to have this done and I'm sure Karen is also glad it is wrapped up so she does not have to mess with it.

Tomorrow about noon Doreen and I head to Pharr TX to pick up the slide skis from the fabricators and then we will return to make preparations for departure on Wednesday morning.  Tomorrow night we have a dinner date with Karen and several other couples at a local restaurant.  It's been a productive visit and it had been nice to see my sister again.  We've had some great conversations!

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