Thursday, April 6, 2023

6 Apr 2023 - Arrived at Mustang Run RV Park near Oklahoma City OK + Stats


We said goodbye to McConnell Air Force Base this morning at 0930 hrs and headed southbound down I-35 towards Oklahoma.  We stopped a couple times along the way but overall the trip was pretty uneventful, as we like them. Before we knew it we were rolling across the Kansas/Oklahoma state line. 

We are seeing a lot more green grass as we head south and the trees are budding and in some cases blooming.  We are also seeing some oil well "pump jacks" including some newer style.

 Shortly after 1300 hrs after 178 miles we rolled into Mustang Run RV Park which is in Yukon OK on the SW outskirts of Oklahoma City.  This will be our home for the next three nights. 

We have stayed here twice before and really enjoyed it.  The sites are paved and level.  They have a nice pool straight ahead of our site, but it is not open yet
We set up quickly but ran into a bit of a snag with the water supply.  Seems to be the name of the game with us for this trip!  The hydrant for our site was leaking pretty good.  I brought it to their attention and they dispatched a maintenance person to work on it, but apparently the head is bad so they contacted a plumber for repairs.  In the mean time they told us since we were already set up to just stay here.  We have water, it is just leaking so not impacting our stay.  38F predicted tonight but not freezing which is good, and minimal wind compared to Kansas!

Liberty is tolerating the trip very well.  Her new medications have made a night and day difference in how she feels and acts.  She is a really good traveler!

Tomorrow morning we are going to take a water taxi ride on the canals around the Bricktown area which is down by the baseball stadium we visited last year.  We may also catch some lunch down there.  I spotted a spicy hot chicken place nearby which reminds me of Memphis and Nashville!  I can feel the heartburn already!

Tomorrow evening Andrea (Conroy) Jones, a good friend of ours who our daughter Jennifer and I served with in the Iowa Air National Guard, is coming out to visit!   We are not sure what Saturday will bring yet as we pretty thoroughly toured Oklahoma City the last couple times we were here, but we will figure something out!

This evening we had a couple visitors.  Rick and Colleen from Odessa TX stopped by to see Liberty.  Rick is a retired peace officer from there and Colleen works remotely from their big 45 ft long class A diesel pusher.  We also had a visit from one of the locals!  I think he wanted to check out Liberty too! 

Here are our first set of stats from the trip.  I will post these periodically:

This is campground #4 of 42 
# States Traveled Through So Far This Trip: 4 (IA, MO, KS, OK)  
# States left to visit on this trip:  21
Baseball Parks Visited So Far This Trip:  0 (__)
Lighthouses visited:  0 (__)
Lighthouses climbed:  0
Point to point travel miles:  663 miles 
  - Avg point to point travel miles between campgrounds:  133 miles
Vicinity miles:  207 miles 
  - Avg vicinity miles:  52 miles
Total miles driven:  870 miles 
Total point to point driving time:  13 hrs 04 minutes
Total diesel fuel purchased: 78.353 gals 
Total diesel fuel cost:  $274.34 
Average diesel fuel cost/gal:  $3.692 
Max diesel fuel cost:  $3.799 (Ankeny IA) 
Min diesel fuel cost:  $3.559 (Wichita KS) 
Avg MPG:  12.07 miles/gal
Cost/mi of operation:  $0.30
# Nights at end of this stay:  25 (Includes Griff's start)
Total lodging cost:  $632.55  (includes Griff's start)
Average cost/night:  $25.31

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