Tuesday, April 25, 2023

25 Apr 2023 - Last Day at Mercedes TX


Our grandmother Freda Pauline Fett Schellhase Thomassen

Last day in Mercedes TX.  My sister has a climate-controlled storage unit here and she is wanting to downsize it, so we went over to review the contents.  She has some oil paintings our mother Wilma created and we took pictures of them to send to our kids for their consideration.  Wilma was a very talented artist.  The pencil sketch shown above was not created by my mother but is a great representation of what our German grandmother Freda looked like.  A few pictures:

After we returned to the resort Doreen and I headed about 20 miles to the fabricators to pick up the slide skis.  They were just about done with them, and soon we were on our way back with 27 sets (54 skis) or stainless steel slide skis ready for installation. 

54 slide skis headed for Galveston TX

I believe they are having a demonstration at the Texas Alliance Rally on how to install them.  I know they have to be trimmed to length, and we will use stainless steel fasteners on them.  The slideouts have to be jacked up to take the pressure off the skis and to install the new ones.  We are looking forward to learning more about this!

On the way back we topped off the big ol' brown truck with fuel and then we returned to the resort to start wrapping things up here.  Doreen walked Liberty and I stowed a few electronics items I am bringing back home.  I also did some repairs on the flag pole mount that was ripped down in the freak winds a couple days ago.  I think it will work in the short term but I will check into a replacement mount.  The pole itself survived unscathed, I believe, as did the upper mount.

Tonight we went out to eat with several of Karen's friends at Arturo's Bar and Grill.  The food was great and the conversations were fun.  Most of the folks in the resorts down here don't stay the whole year.  They depart about this time of the year and return in the fall.  Needless to say Karen's resort is relatively quiet right now!

When we got back, Doreen did a final load of laundry while I dumped tanks and stowed hoses in preparation for our departure tomorrow morning
It has been a great time here with sister Karen.  We were glad to be able to help her sort through all the electronics stuff in her quest to downsize things a bit.  We had some good conversations and did some reminiscing about our days as children growing up in Mount Pleasant Iowa, Denison Iowa and DeWitt Iowa, the place I call home.  We will see Karen again in July when she comes back to Iowa for a visit.

Tomorrow we depart the Llano Grande resort and head up the road to Corpus Christi Naval Air Station RV Park.

Thanks for following along!

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