Sunday, June 11, 2023

11 Jun 2023 - Death's Door Maritime Museum, Farmer's Market and Lunch in Bailey's Harbor


Cold, blustery day here in Door County. temps in the 40's early this morning and 25mph winds.   Doreen took Liberty out for a walk this morning before we headed out, and she was chilled. 

Later this morning we drove north from Bailey's Harbor about 30 minutes to Gill's Rock to visit the Death's Door Maritime Museum.  The drive was relaxing through the rural beauty of upper Door County.  We drove through Sister Bay and Ellison Bay to get there.  These are both quaint little villages with shops and restaurants.  

We arrived at the museum and the maritime displays started outside.  The museum has an emphasis on commercial maritime operations.


 Inside the museum there are displays highlighting the Edmund Fitzgerald and other ship wrecks, scuba diving and the U.S. Lifesaving Service.  

There is a complete commercial fishing boat, the Hope,  that you can actually board, along with a movie that features the captain and video of it operating and catching fish! 


The diesel engine that powered the Hope

The winch that retrieves the fishing nets.

The aft section where the fishing nets are deployed

Several large restored marine engines on display
This is a 1917 Kahlenberg, a 36/30 hp diesel engine

Beautiful collection of old outboard motors

Marine engine exhibit

The Berylune.  
Was built on Washington Island in 1917 and has been restored to perfection 

A fourth order Fresnel lens out of the Plum Island Range Light

After finishing up in the museum, we headed back to Bailey's Harbor and stopped at the farmer's market which is held every Sunday.  They were just wrapping up for the day when we arrived, but there was little produce - mostly merchandise, and some Alpacas!

We walked several blocks and checked out the pubs and restaurants, and stopped for lunch at Bailey's Harbor Cornerstone Pub.  We had pizza for a change and brought the remainder back to the RV for a future  meal.  

Tomorrow we will drive to Northport and board the Washington Island Ferry.  We will take the truck and Liberty with us so we won't be limited on time.

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