Thursday, June 22, 2023

22 Jun 2023 - Girls Day in Town and Pre-reunion at the Campground


This morning Doreen and a couple of her buddies Patty McDermott Kuehl and Elaine Burkhart Duprey headed into Cedar Falls and did some shopping and touring of their old home town.  The old original downtown Main Street area of Cedar Falls used to be called the "parkade" and it is full of shops, restaurants and bars. 

The old train depot in the background

I stayed back at the campground and took care of a few maintenance tasks here such as cleaning the bugs off the front cap from our travels yesterday and walked Liberty a bit.  

Later this afternoon we had sort of a pre-reunion event as one of our classmates, Mike O'Brien could only come down today as he had obligations this weekend.  11 classmates and some spouses came out to the Big Woods Lake Campground and we enjoyed some fellowship, a lot of laughs, stories and more stories; a few cold beverages, and a little bourbon tasting!  
Patty McDermott Kuehl, Dan Webb, Doreen and I

Patty and one of the picture boards she created

Linda Mehmen Mills and Mike O'Brien

Front:  Mike O'Brien, Dan Webb
Center:  Debi Heidt Bunger, Doreen Holmes Schellhase, Patty McDermott Kuehl, Elaine Burkhart DuBray
Back:  Steve Van Hauen, Linda Mehmen Mills, Ed Schellhase

Steve Van Hauen and me.  Steve was the "best man: in our wedding 49 years ago!

We had a great time and are looking forward to the first official reunion event tomorrow evening at one of the local bars 

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