Monday, June 26, 2023

26 Jun 2023 - NSTR - Visit to the Homestead


All quiet in the campground last night.  This morning we loaded up the truck with Liberty, laundry, laptop and our Phase I treasures and headed toward our house for the first time since 1 Apr when we launched on our 2023 RV trip.  We dropped Liberty off at the groomer and then headed home.  Doreen did several loads of laundry and we reviewed all the mail that had accumulated.  99% of it was recycled as junk mail.  I spent quite a bit of time on the laptop uploading pictures and bringing my cloud drive up to date since we have fiber Internet to use.

Before noon we received a call Liberty was done so we picked her up and picked up some lunch to go on the way back.  After lunch I continued with my computer tasks while Doreen pulled a few weeds on our berm and harvested a few pounds of rhubarb.  It was cleaned, chopped and froze for future use.

This evening our son Dan and his family hosted us with smoked ribs, pasta salad and sweet corn!  It was delicious!

Tomorrow we will start whittling away at the list of stuff we have to do while we are home.  That's it for now. 

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