Tuesday, June 13, 2023

13 Jun 2023 - NSTR Cold and Rainy


Seriously, nothing significant to report (NSTR) today.  We woke up to cool and rainy weather, which was forecast.  Doreen did some laundry and I worked around here.  I called to make sure our new Homestead Exemption form made the trip to the County Assessor's office, which it did.  I contacted our next campground with a couple questions.  Their check-in time is 1400 hrs and we are just a couple hours away from there.  I wanted to know if our site would be occupied the night before such that we could possibly check in early, which we can.  I defrosted our freezer, a ~ monthly task for those who have RV fridges.  I sorted through some paperwork and got our travel plans ready to go and reviewed the route for when we depart here Thursday morning.  

I also called Buckley Space Force Base one day earlier than I was supposed to but was successful in getting our reservation secured for 14-18 July during Phase 2 of our trip.  Now we only have two reservations remaining - FE Warren Air Force Base which I cannot make until 28 July and the Air Force Academy which I cannot make until 1 Jul.

This afternoon we headed to the grocery store to restock supplies before departing here.  I have a small stash of Lone Star but I am holding that back a bit, so I picked up some "Land of the Sky Blue Waters"!

I remember as a young child my dad Lefty Schellhase used to drink Hamm's beer, as well as Falstaff, Drewery's, Blatz, Schmidt's, Leinenkugel's, Grain Belt and others.  I used to collect different beer cans and had a pretty good collection before I left for the Air Force. Each can was unique.  Not sure what ever happened to them. 

I also remember the days before color TV and the black and white Hamm's beer commercials.  Still one of my favorites!  So this one is for you, Lefty!

I also bought a box of Spotted Cow.  We hope to visit their brewery in New Glarus when we camp west of Madison WI in a few days.  

Without further embellishing it, that about wraps it up for today.  Tomorrow depending on the weather we may visit a local winery and then later complete our pre-departure tasks as we bug out of here Thursday morning for Oshkosh.

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