Tuesday, June 27, 2023

27 Jun 2023 - Shopping and Working at Home


We had a nice day starting with dropping Liberty off at home and then we stopped by to see our grand daughter Hailee (our son Dan's daughter).  She works at a local coffee shop part time and she brewed us up some coffee and lemonade for Doreen.  It does not seem possible she has her driver's license and is getting so old!

We then stopped by Home Depot to buy the electrical supplies I need to install the "Cheap Heat" system I bought from son-in-law Keith at the Alliance Rally in Goshen IN.  "Cheap Heat" is an add-on system that converts your propane-powered RV furnace into an electric or propane furnace. 

We then stopped by Kohls to get me some new cargo shorts since the ones I have are thread-bare!  They are probably 10 years old so got my money's worth out of them.

Next stop was the Guadalajara Mexican restaurant for lunch and then home for some more work there.  We keep whittling away at stuff there plus I use the high-speed Internet we have there to upload photos.  We also shower at home since we have no sewer connection at the Army Corps of Engineers campground we are at.  

Speaking of the campground, here is a map showing the location of the campground compared to the Saylorville Lake, the dam at the south end, and Ankeny and our house located east of here.

Here are a few pictures from the Saylorville dam looking down on the campground and the spillway.  We really like this campground, but more specifically the campsite we have that backs up to the spillway.  Even though it is not full hookup, it is still nice.  Some pictures:

Not too clear but the smoke from Canada rolled in today

The haze over Saylorville Lake

Looking from the dam down onto the campground and spillway

The spillway and blue arrow points to our campsite

Looking across the spillway with our campsites to the left

The rear of our Alliance Paradigm coach with my flag visible

Nothing special scheduled for tomorrow.  We have a pretty good list of things to work on here at the coach.  Nothing major, just some small stuff.

In closing, we lost a great leader and friend from the 132d Communications Flight, Iowa Air National Guard.  Senior Master Sergeant (Ret) Jim Briseno passed away.  I served with Jim from 1977 when I joined the Iowa ANG until 1984 when Jim retired.  R.I.P brother. 

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