Wednesday, June 28, 2023

28 Jun 2023 - Shopping, Haircut and Work on RV


The highlight of Doreen's day was getting her hair cut.  She had been growing her hair long since this time last year in preparation for our 50th class reunion.  I have always really, really, really liked her in her long hair days.  A few pictures:

Doreen and her long hair, with her aunt and namesake Emogene

Doreen and her long hair and her long-haired BFF Linda Mehmen

Doreen and her long hair senior picture that makes me melt every time I look at it!

Doreen and her long hair at Prom with a slick looking dude with long sideburns

Doreen with her long hair and some fella at Sadie Hawkins dance

Doreen and all her long haired BFF's

Doreen and her long hair at our wedding

Doreen with her very long hair very preggo with our daughter Michelle, 
holding our sheepdog Fonzi in Maine

So do you see a pattern here?  Yeah me too!  Well, the reunion is over and her other BFF's that were also going to grow their hair out for the reunion bailed early, so Doreen won the contest LOL and again, the reunion is over.  So she headed to the girls barber shop today while I headed to the guys candy store (Menards and Home Depot).  I came home with a few new tools and parts I needed for an RV project, and Doreen came home with a trim.  I will admit it looks great and she wanted to get it cut as the longer hair was high maintenance.  So, happy wife, happy life, right?

On the way back from the haircut we stopped at HyVee which is a local food store and we restocked provisions.  Doreen made the mistake of taking me along, so there were a few goodies that made their way into the cart that were not on her list.  I like fried spicy Spam with my eggs.  I like Mezzetta's hot giardiniera.  I like brat patties on the grill.  

We stopped back at our brick and mortar to pick up Liberty and then headed back to the campground.  The smoke from the Canadian wildfires continues to obscure our views.  Doreen's picture does not do it justice.  It is really hazy

We were glad to see our son Dan when he stopped out this afternoon to check up on us.  I worked several projects including a malfunctioning side marker light.  It is LED and actually died, so we will get one at the local auto parts store tomorrow.  I applied sealant to my new slide-out bulb seals.  I also repaired some trim on my fridge and fixed the mirror in my truck.  We also cleaned the air conditioning filters.  I've got several more tasks on the list while we are here before we head out on Phase II of our journeys.  

Tomorrow we will continue with the list of to-do's,  Friday our grandson Daniel Jr plays baseball in our old home town Norwalk so we plan to watch him play.  Friday afternoon my sister arrives from Texas and we will all go out to eat with her.  Busy, busy.  We are here until Wednesday morning when we launch out of here towards Sioux City IA for a few nights.  

All is well.  Thanks for checking in on us!

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