Saturday, June 24, 2023

24 Jun 2023 - All Class Picnic and Class Reunion at Brown Bottle


We had a fantastic day starting with the All Class Picnic on the UNI campus.  Later our class met at the Brown Bottle Restaurant for a dinner together.  I will post more pictures and add more detail later, but just a few pictures tonight as we prepare to depart in the morning:

The reunion team 

Ed Schellhase, Elaine Burkhart Dubray, Patty McDermott Kuehl, 
Dan Mills, Linda Mehmen Mills, Doreen Holmes Schellhase

Leslie Wilson, Bill Bunger, Richard Kroeger, Debi Bunger

Tammie Schnock, Sheri Wehner Dekarske and her husband Tom
Jsckie Bradford

Sue Pierce Schmidt and her husband Angelo
Bill Allen 

Not pictured at a table but present in the group photo:
Karen Christensen Hanson
Beverly Haman Freeman

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